I have taken time out to consider
something rather poignant and relevant that has happened to me recently and one
which we should all take a little time consider, the accidental discovery of
the death of a friend as discovered first through the social ecosphere, on this
occasion via Facebook.
Now I have to say that I have
never been a great collector of online friends for a wide range of reasons,
including the fact that headcount has been very far from important in my life. It’s
the cliché of quality not the quantity don’t you know. However, those who have
been fortunate or indeed unfortunate enough to merit befriending have gladly
and gleefully shared the ups and downs of their existence. Their trials and
tribulations (often much to my chagrin) have been copiously detailed in less
than 140 characters including of course the joyous birth of new human beings in
the form of literally thousands of online photos of innocuous and inane bald
headed babies at the start of their beautiful lives. I have mastered the secret
ability using online social etiquette of course to filter out every single
photo of every little darling of any friend I ever had so that I can avoid the
dubious appreciation of photos of ice-cream laden kids I will never ever meet.
Whether we like it or not, social
networks ram the beginning of life down our throats, every single photo of it.
I am surprised I haven’t yet encountered an online friend’s photo album
entitled “Marie in various stages of Labour” followed by “Claire Gives Birth to
Jack (32 Photos in HD Res) – click Like, Share or Comment. The truth is that in
accepting and learning to live with any social network we choose to accept
social variety, and that really means variety we cannot control and variety of
life that is placed right in front of our eyes without asking permission. It
just appears – in our news feed. We have learned the online etiquette of
handling everything from dull workmates to smug parents which calls for
mastering every single online tool enabling us to filter unwanted news until
one day these people quietly and accidently slip off our friends list
altogether. It may not be fair, but that’s life my friend.
It doesn’t end there. Once we
have focused in on our personal, social connection list of more like-minded
individuals and those we find entertaining or those we simply wish to stalk,
sorry admire, we have to master their day-to-day foibles and whims, many
previously never catalogued or unknown to behavioural science. This is of course
known as life itself, where every single minutiae of mundane life is shared in
excruciating detail due to social network news feeds that never ever, ever
stop. We are in a blizzard of news inanity, from Giles going for a run with the
obligatory timekeeper mileage report – like I care, almost hardly stopping
short of Jeff reporting that he is now visiting the bathroom and what a visit
it was. I seriously don’t care and I never ever did!
Consequently we started to invent
rules for online behaviour and interaction and then tools when those rules were
blatantly ignored and we needed to enforce our own selfish rules instead.
The day that Mark Zuckerberg
shouted orders at his team to add the ‘Filter News Feed’ feature was the day he
admitted this social thing has very real problems – and the day when we
admitted to ourselves that we needed to learn further etiquette. In the
beginning it started with too many friends or, just like college, the wrong
kind of friends to get our friends-numbers up. Later, much later we learned the
rules of how to stay friends with people online that we don’t actually really
like very much but ones we need to stay above zero on our friend-counter, stay
friends with those that are active socialites or ones that may occasionally
fill up the social news feeds with something other than Farmville or photos of
a family weekend on an Underwater Basket-Weaving holiday in the Ural Mountains.
Who wants to readily admit they only have 5 real friends! We have in short,
learned to extend our social network in rather passive ways and live with those
we want to live with and we have applied new online social ways of achieving
Over the last, relatively short,
decade of online social interaction we have also (re)discovered and developed
some form of etiquette that covers the many eventualities of online social information
leakage through social networks, be it the fact that your ex is now dating a
golf coach, has run away with a clown from the circus or has taken off to roam
Indonesia and posted a huge amount of heavily doctored positive online PR
whilst insisting on remaining ‘connected’.
We have mastered the online
social etiquette of be-friending, re-friending, de-friending & un-friending.
We have learned when to do it, how to best do it and how to deny we ever did it.
We have worked out that the truth is not the best path to enlightenment but
instead heavily doctored versions of the truth certainly work best in our online
social ecosphere. We have employed subtle online social etiquette (clicking on
a button) to rediscover people long lost (I have ‘friended’ you mate), we have
rediscovered old flames (I have ‘friended’ you babe) and we have rescued lost
relationships (I have ‘friended’ you darling). We have worked out whether it is
a good thing to have our family, exes, lovers, wives and husbands on our
friends list and also followed new social etiquette to make sure they can or
cannot see exactly what we are doing or saying, whilst remaining absolutely
So, we have become masters of our
own social universes, mini emperors in our own online PR empires and developed
an entirely new set of parallel online social rules that purportedly shadow
real life (when they seriously, really don’t my friend, but you knew that
anyway) which have taken us from the day someone is born all the way through
to……...ah yes.
And there you have it you see.
What happens when we find out in a gentle casual, finger-click kind of way that
someone we have known on and off for months, years, decades, forever, a real
person, not just a headline and a profile photo with some creative PR has
passed away, died, passed on, actually gone. What do we do then? They are still there, they still have a
profile, I can see them!
Now this isn’t as easy as one may
imagine because of the very visible, shared connectedness of social networks.
In real life we have made friends with people that other friends don’t know
about and for reasons that other friends don’t understand or appreciate, after
all, it is none of their business. On a social network, you are part of other
people’s friends list, visible lists that are often shared with people you have
never met and never will. You are by your very presence in a friend list, you
are by its very definition a friend, whether you saw that person yesterday, two
decades ago or even if ever. And the other people on the list can see your
presence in that person’s life whether you like it or not. This means you have
a responsibility to that person whether you like it or not, a social
Social networks should not
redefine what human friendship is and what it intrinsically means, not unless
we have lost complete control of our senses.
So the need for online social
etiquette suddenly zoomed into focus, quite urgently in fact. I clicked on my
friend’s profile to see how they were as I thought they had been quiet for some
time. I was greeted by a mysterious grey, spooky misty banner that could surely
have been some kind of central Facebook team creative concept etiquette for bereaved
profiles; it frankly gave me the creeps.
My now deceased friend was strangely still there as if they had never
departed. I could scroll down and see their last posts in a macabre kind of
way. I could see their photo albums of their holidays and their conversations
as if they were still there. My friend had a populated friend list and yet some
sad announcements that really didn’t feel like they belonged there and some
memorial comments that frankly didn’t do the person real justice, but were
heart felt all the same. It felt the wrong place to publish these things – it was
as if a social network profile was purely for the living, for fun and not for
the reality of life and death. I pondered on this and other issues.
The questions started and kept on
coming. Is it better to write something on my friend’s wall like an epitaph
that others who have no right to read but will read anyway. Should I make some
kind of announcement as if they were still there, or is that rather trite? More
poignantly but not heartless, were they now classed as ‘friend’ in the online social sense, did I
want a dead friend in my friend list with their visible image looking at me,
should I remove them from the friends list now or should I wait for the funeral
and then de-friend? Would this be a terrible thing to do? But then if I
de-friended a dead friend it is like admitting there is no longer a friendship just
because the person has passed on? So should I wait for the administrator of the
deceased’s profile to close the profile down so I will be removed silently from
this dilemma without having any online guilt and if so how long will that take
and what happens if they do not and instead turn the profile into a memorial or
shrine, what then? Maybe I could end up over time with a small friends list
with more than one dead friend, then what! Would Facebook become like a
cemetery where I visited all the now-deceased people I had previously known
whilst alive!
Life takes its course from birth
all the way through to death, that’s how things are. We are now starting to witness
the first phase of entire lives passing through the social network ecosphere
from beginning to end. Consequently we must all recognise what this may mean
and how we approach it. Are social networks just for the good times and for the
living? There are an ever increasing number of memorial pages after all. Perhaps
we must start to face up to the fact that whilst death (of others) has always
been something inevitable (to others) though many of us choose to pretend
doesn’t exist (for now), or can be avoided (for now), or stepped round or be
just plain ignored until it is pushed into our faces, social networks have the
ability to make death something rather more visible than we may have previously
learned to deal with.
It is for this reason that if we
truly wish to embrace life in an online social world, we must also learn to
embrace the inevitability of death that follows life with the appropriate
online etiquette and dignity that retains our humanity and our compassion and
is not reduced to the click of a finger. After all, we are all worth more than our
profile page, aren’t we?
For those that wonder, my friend
remains on my friend list.
Copyright Genius! by Morgan & Wolfe. All Rights Reserved 2013
Copyright Genius! by Morgan & Wolfe. All Rights Reserved 2013
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